The end of one year and the start of another is a great time for some analysis. We’ve taken the time to review things that worked well and were of interest to our customers and prospective customers.
Here are our top five new blog posts of 2013.
- Is Your Car Shaking? 3 Common Problems That Cause Cars to Vibrate – Surprisingly, this was the number one blog post. It got thousands of views. As Jerry Lee Lewis said back in 1957, there must be a “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On”!
- What to do if Your Check Engine Light Comes On – Quite a few drivers have experienced this issue. It’s great to know exactly what to do if it happens.
- What Amenities Should An Auto Shop Waiting Room Provide? – We’ll need to do an update on this one. Since we originally posted the article, we got some additional input from our customers on what’s really important to car owners.
- Clean Automotive Intake Valves and Why it Matters – Now the popularity of this post did take us by surprise. Do you know why it matters? Apparently, if you don’t, you ‘re in good company.
- Why & When Tires Need to be Rotated – We get so many services performed on our cars, and often we don’t know why the services need to be performed. In the case of tires, we may realize that they can wear unevenly, but not really understand why. This blog and others that we’ve done, try to get at the “whys”.
You can subscribe to our blog right on this page by providing your e-mail address. That way you won’t miss any information that comes out during the year. If you ever can’t find a topic that you’re looking for information on, just search our site. In the meantime, Happy 2014!